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Инсталлятор CreateInstall
Бесплатные и коммерческие инсталляторы

  1 /******************************************************************************
  2 *
  3 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006, The Gentee Group. All rights reserved. 
  4 * This file is part of the Gentee open source project.
  5 * http://www.gentee.com
  6 * 
 10 *
 11 * ID: formatfile 20.10.06 0.0.A.
 12 *
 13 * Author: Aleksandr Antypenko ( santy )
 14 *
 15 * Summary: Function of utility autoformatting Gentee sources
 16 *
 17 ******************************************************************************/
 19 include
 20 {
 21    $"..\..\lib\lex\lex.g"
 22    "lexfgentee.g"
 23 } 
 25 type puncmult < protected >
 26 {
 27    uint uMValue
 28    uint startPos
 29 } 
 31 operator puncmult =( puncmult left right )
 32 {
 33    left.uMValue = right.uMValue
 34    left.startPos = right.startPos
 35    return left
 36 } 
 38 /******************************************************************************
 39 *   Function formatfile - 
 40 *     
 41 *   Parameters: 
 42 *           str namefile    -  addrees of flinfo structure
 43 *           int intend      -  path and pattern for search files
 44 *	    		uint lenthline  -  max length of line
 45 *	    		byte bCreateNew -  1- create bak file, 0- overwrite existent file
 46 *				
 47 *   Return :
 48 *        1 - formatting file
 49 *
 50 ******************************************************************************/
 51 func int formatfile( str namefile, uint indend, uint lenthLine, byte bCreateNew )
 52 {
 53    str inBuffer, strOutFile, strLine, stemp
 54    arrout outArr
 55    uint lex, off, i
 56    uint igt   // The current gtitem   
 57    uint startPos, sMainValue, countMult = 0
 58    byte bNewLine = 0, inBlock = 0, bDot = 0, bDugky = 0
 59    stack puncStk of puncmult
 60    puncmult pMult
 63    outArr.isize = sizeof( lexitem )
 64    if !( fileexist( namefile ) )
 65    {
 66       print( "File not found \n" )
 67       return 0 ;
 68    } 
 69    inBuffer.read( namefile )
 70    lex = lex_init( 0, lexfgentee.ptr( ) )
 71    gentee_lex( inBuffer -> buf, lex, outArr )
 72    //print("------------------------ddd--\n") 
 73    //
 74    off = outArr.data.ptr( )
 75    str stemp1
 76    fornum i = 0, * outArr
 77    {
 78       uint li
 80       li as off -> lexitem
 82       stemp1.clear( )
 84       //if (li.ltype != $FG_UNKNOWN)
 85       //{
 86       //print("type=\( hex2stru("", li.ltype )) pos = \(li.pos) len=\(li.len ) \(hex2stru("", li.value )) \n")
 87       //print(stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len)+" \n")
 88       if( li.ltype == $FG_NAME )
 89       {
 90          if( li.value == $KEY_INCLUDE || li.value == $KEY_FUNC || li.value == $KEY_GLOBAL
 91          || li.value == $KEY_DEFINE || li.value == $KEY_IMPORT || li.value == $KEY_METHOD
 92          || li.value == $KEY_OPERATOR || li.value == $KEY_TYPE || li.value == $KEY_IFDEF )
 93          {
 94             startPos = * strLine
 95             sMainValue = li.value
 96             bNewLine = 0
 97             strLine.fillspacer( startPos )
 98             strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
 99          } 
100          else
101          {
102             if( bNewLine )
103             {
104                strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
105                strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + indend )
106                //strLine+="DDDD" 
107                strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
108                bNewLine = 0
109             } 
110             else
111             {
112                str sTmp = ""
113                if( bDot ) : sTmp = "" ; bDot = 0
114                else : sTmp = " "
115                if( strLine [ * strLine + startPos - 1 ] == 0x7B )
116                {
117                   strLine += "\n"
118                   strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
119                   strLine += sTmp + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
120                   strOutFile += strLine
121                   strLine.clear( )
122                   bNewLine = 1
123                } 
124                else
125                {
126                   strLine += sTmp + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
127                } 
128                //bNewLine = 
129             } 
130          } 
131       } 
132       elif( li.ltype == $FG_SPACE || li.ltype == $FG_TAB )
133       {
134          stemp.clear( )
135          off += sizeof( lexitem )
136          continue
137       } 
138       elif( li.ltype == $FG_NUMBER || li.ltype == $FG_MACRO )
139       {
140          if( bNewLine ) : bNewLine = 0
141          strLine += " " + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
142       } 
143       elif( li.ltype == $FG_OPERCHAR )
144       {
145          str stmp = ""
146          if( li.value == 0x2E ) : stmp = "" ; bDot = 1
147          elif(( li.value == 0x2B2B || li.value == 0x2D2D || li.value == 0x7C7C || li.value == 0x2626 )
148          && bNewLine )
149          {
150             stmp.fillspacer( indend )
151             strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
152             bNewLine = 0
153          } 
154          elif( li.value == 0x7B25 )
155          {
156             ++ countMult
157             if( countMult > 1 )
158             {
159                puncmult pMultTmp
160                pMultTmp.uMValue = sMainValue
161                pMultTmp.startPos = startPos
162                puncStk.push( ) -> puncmult = pMultTmp
163                startPos = startPos + indend
164             } 
165             stmp = " "
166          } 
167          else : stmp = " "
168          strLine += stmp + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
169       } 
170       elif( li.ltype == $FG_LINECOMMENT || li.ltype == $FG_COMMENT )
171       {
172          str stmp = ""
173          strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
174          if( li.ltype == $FG_LINECOMMENT ) : stmp.fillspacer( indend )
175          strLine += stmp + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
176       } 
177       elif( li.ltype == $FG_STRING || li.ltype == $FG_MACROSTR )
178       {
179          str sTmp = ""
180          if( bNewLine )
181          {
182             strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos + indend ) ;
183             //sTmp = ?( li.ltype == $FG_MACROSTR, " ", "" )
184          } 
185          else : sTmp = ?( li.ltype == $FG_STRING, " ", "" )
186          strLine += sTmp + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
187       } 
188       elif( li.ltype == $FG_UNKNOWN )
189       {
190          strLine += " " + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
191       } 
192       elif( li.ltype == $FG_SYSCHAR )
193       {
194          if( li.value == 0x28 || li.value == 0x29 || li.value == 0x2C )
195          {
196             if( bNewLine ) : strLine.fillspacer( * strLine )
197             strLine += ?( li.value == 0x29, " ", "" ) + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
198          } 
199          elif( li.value == 0x7B )
200          {
201             ++ countMult
202             if( countMult > 1 )
203             {
204                puncmult pMultTmp
205                pMultTmp.uMValue = sMainValue
206                pMultTmp.startPos = startPos
207                puncStk.push( ) -> puncmult = pMultTmp
208                startPos = startPos + indend
209             } 
210             bDugky = 1
211             // add to stack
212             if( bNewLine )
213             {
214                strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
215                strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
216                //
217                //strOutFile += strLine+"\n"
218                //strLine.clear()
219                bNewLine = 0
220                inBlock = 1               //?( li.value == 0x7B,1,0)
221             } 
222             else
223             {
224                strLine += "\n"
225                strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
226                strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
227                strOutFile += strLine + "\n"
228                strLine.clear( )
229                inBlock = 1
230                bNewLine = 1
231             } 
232          } 
233          elif( li.value == 0x7D )
234          {
235             if( bNewLine )
236             {
237                strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
238                //print (strLine+"----5 \n")
239                strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
240                strOutFile += strLine + " " ;
241                strLine.clear( )
242                inBlock = 0
243                bNewLine = 0
244             } 
245             else
246             {
247                strLine += "\n"
248                strLine.fillspacer( * strLine + startPos )
249                //print (strLine+"----6 \n")
250                strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
251                strOutFile += strLine
252                strLine.clear( )
253                inBlock = 0
254                bNewLine = 1
255             } 
256             bDugky = 0
257             if( countMult > 1 )
258             {
259                puncmult pMultTmp
260                pMultTmp = puncStk.top( ) -> puncmult
261                sMainValue = pMultTmp.uMValue
262                startPos = pMultTmp.startPos
263                puncStk.pop( )
264             } 
265             -- countMult
266          } 
267          else : strLine += " " + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
269       } 
270       elif( li.ltype == $FG_LINE )
271       {
272          strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
273          strOutFile += strLine
274          //print(strLine+"----111111 \n")
275          bNewLine = 1
276          strLine.clear( )
277       } 
278       //}
279       stemp.clear( )
280       off += sizeof( lexitem )
281    } 
282    if( bCreateNew )
283    {
284       str snewfile
285       snewfile.fsetext( namefile, "bak" )
286       if !( copyfile( namefile, snewfile ) ) : print( "Error create backup file. \n" ) ; return 0
287       else : print( "Backup file -- " + snewfile + " -- was created.\n" )
288    } 
289    strOutFile.write( namefile )
290    //
291    lex_delete( lex )
292    //print("--------------------------\n") 
293    //congetch("Press any key...")
294    return 1
295 } 