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Инсталлятор CreateInstall
Бесплатные и коммерческие инсталляторы

  1 /******************************************************************************
  2 *
  3 * Copyright (C) 2006, The Gentee Group. All rights reserved. 
  4 * This file is part of the Gentee open source project - http://www.gentee.com. 
  5 * 
  9 *
 10 * Author: Alexey Krivonogov ( gentee )
 11 *
 12 * Summary: The list of the embedded byte-code commands. It is used for
 13   generating funclist.h and funclist.с files 
 14 *
 15 ******************************************************************************/
 16 <_ ret = TUint params = "TStr,TUint,TCollection" func = vm_getid 
 17      name = "getid" comment = 
 18      "uint getid( str name, uint flags, collection colpars )" />
 19 <_ ret = TUint params = TUint func = type_hasinit name = "type_hasinit" 
 20           comment = "uint type_hasinit( uint itype )" />
 21 <_ ret = TUint params = TUint func = type_hasdelete name = "type_hasdelete" 
 22           comment = "uint type_hasdelete( uint itype )" />
 23 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint" func = type_isinherit name = "type_isinherit" 
 24           comment = "uint type_isinherit( uint itype iowner )" />
 25 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint" func = type_init name = "type_init" 
 26           comment = "uint type_init( uint ptr itype )" />
 27 <_ params = "TUint,TUint" func = type_delete name = "type_delete" 
 28           comment = "uint type_delete( uint ptr itype )" />
 29 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = type_sizeof name = "sizeof" 
 30           comment = "uint sizeof( uint itype )" />
 31 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint" func = type_new name = "new" 
 32           comment = "uint new( uint itype pdata )" />
 33 <_ params = "TUint" func = type_destroy name = "destroy" 
 34           comment = "destroy( uint object )" />
 35 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint" func = lex_init name = "lex_init" 
 36           comment = "uint lex_init( plex pl, puint ptbl )" />
 37 <_ params = "TUint" func = lex_delete name = "lex_delete" 
 38           comment = "lex_delete( plex pl )" />
 39 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = gentee_lex 
 40  name = "gentee_lex" comment = "uint gentee_lex(pbuf input, plex pl, parr output)" />
 41 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = gentee_compile 
 42  name = "gentee_compile" comment = "uint gentee_compile( pcompileinfo compinit )" />
 43 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint" func = gentee_set 
 44  name = "gentee_set" comment = "uint gentee_set( uint flag, uint value )" />
 46 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = mem_alloc name = "malloc" 
 47           comment = "uint malloc( uint size )" />
 48 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = mem_copy name = "mcopy" 
 49           comment = "uint mcopy( uint dest src size )" />
 50 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = mem_cmp name = "mcmp" 
 51           comment = "int mcmp( uint dest src size )" />
 52 <_ params = "TUint" func = mem_free name = "mfree" 
 53           comment = "mfree( uint ptr )" />
 54 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = mem_move name = "mmove" 
 55           comment = "uint mmove( uint dest src size )" />
 56 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint" func = mem_zero name = "mzero" 
 57           comment = "uint mzero( uint dest size )" />
 58 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = mem_len name = "mlen" 
 59           comment = "uint mlen( uint data )" />
 60 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = mem_lensh name = "mlensh" 
 61           comment = "uint mlensh( uint data )" />
 62 <_ ret = TUint func = os_getchar name = "getch" 
 63           comment = "uint getch()" />
 64 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint" func = os_scan name = "scan" 
 65           comment = "uint os_scan( pubyte input, uint len )" />
 66 <_ ret = TStr params = "TUint" func = vmres_getstr name = "res_getstr" 
 67           comment = "str res_getstr( uint )" />
 68 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = crc name = "crc" 
 69           comment = "uint crc( uint ptr size sead )" />
 70 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint" func = os_strcmp name = "strcmp" 
 71           comment = "int strcmp( uint left right )" />
 72 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint" func = os_strcmpign name = "strcmpign" 
 73           comment = "int strcmpign( uint left right )" />
 74 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = os_strcmplen 
 75       name = "strcmplen" comment = "int strcmplen( uint left right len )" />
 76 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = os_strcmpignlen 
 77      name = "strcmpignlen" comment = "int strcmpignlen( uint left right len)" />
 78 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = os_ustrcmplen 
 79       name = "ustrcmplen" comment = "int ustrcmplen( uint left right len )" />
 80 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = os_ustrcmpignlen 
 81      name = "ustrcmpignlen" comment = "int ustrcmpignlen( uint left right len)" />
 82 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = gentee_ptr name = "gentee_ptr" 
 83           comment = "uint gentee_ptr( uint par)" />
 84 <_ ret = TUint func = argc name = "argc" comment = "uint argc()" />
 85 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TUint" func = argv name = "argv" 
 86           comment = "uint argv( str ret, uint num )" />
 87 <_ ret = TUint func = vm_calladdr name = "calladdr" 
 88           comment = "uint calladdr()" />
 89 <_ func = qs_init params = "TUint, TUint, TUint, TUint" name = "qs_init" 
 90           comment = "void qs_init( pssearch, pubyte pattern, uint m, uint flag )" />
 91 <_ ret = TUint func = qs_search params = "TUint, TUint, TUint" 
 92           name = "qs_search" 
 93           comment = "uint qs_search( pssearch psearch, pubyte y, uint n )" />
 94 <_ func = fastsort params = "TUint, TUint, TUint, TUint" name = "fastsort" 
 95           comment = "void fastsort( pvoid base, uint count, uint size, uint mode )" />
 96 <_ func = sort params = "TUint, TUint, TUint, TUint" name = "sort" 
 97           comment = "void sort( pvoid base, uint count, uint size, uint idfunc )" />
 99 <-_ ret = TUint params = "TStr,TUint" func = os_fileopen name = "open" 
100           comment = "uint  os_fileopen( pstr name, uint flag )"/>
101 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = os_fileclose name = "close" 
102           comment = "uint  os_fileclose( uint handle )"/>
103 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = os_fileread name = "read" 
104           comment = "uint  os_fileread( uint handle, pubyte data, uint size )" />
105 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = os_filewrite name = "write" 
106           comment = "uint  os_filewrite( uint handle, pubyte data, uint size )" />
107 <_ ret = TUlong params = "TUint,TUlong,TUint" func = os_filepos name = "setpos" 
108          comment = "ulong64 os_filepos( uint handle, long64 offset, uint mode )" /->
109 <_ ret = TStr func = os_gettemp name = "gettemp" 
110           comment = "str  os_gettemp( )" />
112 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint,TUint" name = "@append" func = buf_append
113           comment = "buf buf.append( uint ptr, uint size )" />
114 <_ ret = TBuf params = TBuf func = buf_init name = "@init" 
115           comment = "buf buf.init()" />
116 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint,TUint" name = "@del" func = buf_del
117           comment = "buf buf.del( uint offset, uint size )" />
118 <_ params = TBuf name = "@delete" func = buf_delete
119           comment = "buf.delete()" />
120 <_ ret = TBuf params = TBuf name = "@clear" func = buf_clear
121           comment = "buf buf.clear()" />
122 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint,TUint" name = "@copy" func = buf_copy
123           comment = "buf buf.copy( uint ptr, uint size )" />
124 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint,TUint,TUint" name = "@insert" 
125        func = buf_insert comment = "buf buf.insert( uint off ptr size )" />
126 <_ ret = TBuf params = TBuf name = "@free" func = buf_free
127           comment = "buf buf.free()" />
128 <_ ret = TUint params = TBuf func = buf_ptr name = "@ptr" 
129           comment = "uint buf.ptr()" />
130 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint,TUint" func = buf_copy name = "@load" 
131           comment = "buf buf.load( uint ptr, uint size )" />
132 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint" name = "@array" func = buf_array
133           comment = "buf.array( uint index )" />
134 <_ ret = TUint params = "TBuf,TUint" name = "@index" func = buf_index
135           comment = "buf.index( uint index )" />
136 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint" name = "@reserve" func = buf_reserve
137           comment = "buf.reserve( uint size )" />
138 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint" name = "@expand" func = buf_expand
139           comment = "buf.expand( uint size )" />
140 <_ ret = TUint params = "TBuf" func = buf_len name = "#*" 
141           comment = "*buf" />
142 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TBuf" func = buf_set name = "#=" 
143           comment = "buf = buf" />
144 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TBuf" name = "#+=" func = buf_add
145           comment = "buf += buf" />
146 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUbyte" name = "#+=" func = buf_appendch
147           comment = "buf += ubyte" />
148 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUshort" name = "#+=" func = buf_appendushort
149           comment = "buf += ushort" />
150 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUint" name = "#+=" func = buf_appenduint
151           comment = "buf += uint" />
152 <_ ret = TBuf params = "TBuf,TUlong" name = "#+=" func = buf_appendulong
153           comment = "buf += ulong" />
154 <_ ret = TUint params = "TBuf,TBuf" name = "#==" func = buf_isequal
155           comment = "buf == buf" />
156 <_ ret = TUint params = "TBuf,TUint,TUint" func = buf_find 
157       name = "@findch" comment = "uint buf.findch( uint off symbol )" />
158 <_ ret = TUint params = "TBuf,TUint,TUint" func = buf_findsh 
159       name = "@findsh" comment = "uint buf.findsh( uint off symbol )" />
161 <_ ret = TStr params = TStr func = str_init name = "@init" 
162           comment = "str str.init()" />
163 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TUint,TUint" func = str_copylen name = "@load" 
164           comment = "str str.load( uint ptr, uint size )" />
165 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TUint" func = str_copyzero name = "@copy" 
166           comment = "str str.copy( uint ptr )" />
167 <_ ret = TUint params = "TStr,TUint,TUint,TUint" func = str_find 
168       name = "@findch" comment = "str str.findch( uint off symbol fromend )" />
169 <_ ret = TUint params = "TStr,TUint" func = str_findch name = "@findch" 
170           comment = "str str.findch( uint symbol )" />
171 <_ ret = TUint params = "TStr,TStr" func = str_fwildcard name = "@fwildcard" 
172           comment = "uint str.fwildcard( str mask )" />
173 <_ params = TStr func = str_output name = "@print" 
174           comment = "str.print()" />
175 <_ params = TStr func = str_output name = "print" 
176           comment = "print( str )" />
177 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TUint" func = str_setlen name = "@setlen" 
178           comment = "str str.setlen( uint )" />
179 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TStr,TUint,TUint" func = str_substr 
180           name = "@substr" comment = "str str.substr( str uint off len )" />
181 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TStr" func = str_copy name = "#=" 
182           comment = "str = str" />
183 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TStr" func = str_add name = "#+=" 
184           comment = "str += str" />
185 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TUint" func = str_appenduint name = "#+=" 
186           comment = "str += uint" />
187 <_ ret = TUint params = "TStr" func = str_len name = "#*" 
188           comment = "*str" />
189 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TStr,TUint" func = str_out4 name = "@out4" 
190           comment = "str.out4( str format, uint value )" />
191 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TStr,TUlong" func = str_out8 name = "@out8" 
192           comment = "str.out8( str format, ulong value )" />
194 <_ ret = TUint params = "TReserved,TUint" name = "@index" func = mem_index
195           comment = "reserved.index( uint index )" />
197 <_ ret = TArr params = TArr func = garr_init name = "@init" 
198           comment = "arr arr.init()" />
199 <_ params = TArr name = "@delete" func = garr_delete
200           comment = "arr.delete()" />
201 <_ params = "TArr,TUint" name = "@oftype" func = garr_oftype
202           comment = "arr.oftype( uint )" />
203 <_ params = "TArr,TUint" name = "@array" func = garr_array
204           comment = "arr.array( uint first )" />
205 <_ params = "TArr,TUint,TUint" name = "@array" func = garr_array2
206           comment = "arr.array( uint first second )" />
207 <_ params = "TArr,TUint,TUint,TUint" name = "@array" func = garr_array3
208           comment = "arr.array( uint first second third )" />
209 <_ ret = TUint params = "TArr,TUint" name = "@index" func = garr_index
210           comment = "uint arr.index( uint first )" />
211 <_ ret = TUint params = "TArr,TUint,TUint" name = "@index" func = garr_index2
212           comment = "uint arr.index( uint first second )" />
213 <_ ret = TUint params = "TArr,TUint,TUint,TUint" name = "@index" 
214     func = garr_index3 comment = "uint arr.index( uint first second third )" />
215 <_ ret = TUint params = TArr func = garr_count name = "#*" 
216           comment = "uint *( arr )" />
217 <_ ret = TUint params = "TArr,TUint" func = garr_expand 
218          name = "@expand" comment = "uint arr.expand( uint )" />
219 <_ ret = TUint params = "TArr,TUint,TUint" func = garr_insert 
220          name = "@insert" comment = "uint arr.insert( uint from count )" />
221 <_ ret = TArr params = "TArr,TUint,TUint" func = garr_del 
222          name = "@del" comment = "uint arr.del( uint from count )" />
224 <_ ret = TUint params = "TCollection,TUint" name = "@index" func = collect_index
225           comment = "uint collection.index( uint first )" />
226 <_ ret = TUint params = "TCollection,TUint" name = "@ptr" func = collect_index
227           comment = "uint collection.ptr( uint first )" />
228 <_ ret = TUint params = "TCollection,TUint" name = "@gettype" 
229    func = collect_gettype comment = "uint collection.gettype( uint first )" />
230 <_ ret = TUint params = TCollection name = "#*" 
231    func = collect_count comment = "uint *( collection )" />
232 <_ ret = TStr params = "TStr,TStr,TCollection" name = "@printf" 
233      func = str_sprintf comment = "str str.printf( str, collection )" />
235 <- All cdecl functions must be described below ! ->
237 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = sin  
238          name = "sin" comment = "double sin( double )" />
239 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = cos  
240          name = "cos" comment = "double cos( double )" />
241 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = tan  
242          name = "tan" comment = "double tan( double )" />
243 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = asin  
244          name = "asin" comment = "double asin( double )" />
245 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = acos  
246          name = "acos" comment = "double acos( double )" />
247 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = atan  
248          name = "atan" comment = "double atan( double )" />
249 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = exp  
250          name = "exp" comment = "double exp( double )" />
251 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = log  
252          name = "ln" comment = "double ln( double )" />
253 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = log10  
254          name = "log" comment = "double log( double )" />
255 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble,TDouble" func = pow  
256          name = "pow" comment = "double pow( double, double )" />
257 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = sqrt  
258          name = "sqrt" comment = "double sqrt( double )" />
259 <_ ret = TUint params = "TInt" func = labs name = "abs" 
260          comment = "uint abs( int )" />
261 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = fabs  
262          name = "fabs" comment = "double fabs( double )" />
263 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble,TUint" func = modf  
264          name = "modf" comment = "double modf( double, uint )" />
265 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = ceil  
266          name = "ceil" comment = "double ceil( double )" />
267 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TDouble" func = floor  
268          name = "floor" comment = "double floor( double )" />
269 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = strtol name = "strtol" 
270           comment = "int strtol( uint ptr end base )" />
271 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint,TUint,TUint" func = strtoul name = "strtoul" 
272           comment = "int strtoul( uint ptr end base )" />
273 <_ ret = TDouble params = "TUint" func = atof name = "atof" 
274           comment = "double atof( uint ptr )" />
275 <_ ret = TLong params = "TUint" func = ATOI64 name = "atoi64" 
276           comment = "long atoi64( uint ptr )" />
277 <_ ret = TUint params = "TUint" func = getenv name = "_getenv" 
278           comment = "pubyte getenv( pubyte ptr )" />
279 <_ ret = TInt params = "TUint" func = _putenv name = "_setenv" 
280           comment = "int setenv( pubyte ptr )" />